Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting our website. We are striving to make your experience one-of-a-kind. We respect the privacy of our customers and go the extra mile to protect their personal and sensitive information. If you want to learn more, please read out our privacy policy. We have tried to discuss your concerns in detail. No matter if you access our website directly or through another website, we assume that you are accepting the practices that are being described in this policy.

Browsing history:

We keep a track of our visitor’s browsing history to know what products you have browsed and what areas/parts of a webpage you have viewed. This is done to know about the interests of the visitors or users so that we can provide the solutions accordingly.


The acceptance of cookies is not a requirement for visiting the site. A cookie is a small text file that is saved to and, during subsequent visits, retrieved from your computer or mobile device. We do not use cookies to store personal information or to disclose information to third parties. There are two types of cookies: permanent and temporary (session cookies). Permanent cookies are stored as a file on your computer or mobile device for no longer than 12 months. Session cookies are stored temporarily and disappear when you close your browser session.

We use permanent cookies to store your choice of the start page and to store your details. You can easily erase cookies from your computer or mobile device using your browser.

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